Having the Talk

Life Insurance Discussion Questions
Life insurance is one of the most important policies a household can have, it provides financial protection to the loved ones we leave behind. We’ve put together this brief checklist to assist you in clarifying your family’s financial needs in the event of your death.
We hope these questions begin a conversation that guides you in determining if Life Insurance is right for you and your family.
Why do we need life insurance?
What are we trying to accomplish by purchasing a life insurance policy?
Which one of us are we considering life insurance for?
How much insurance do we need to make sure there’s a strong financial foundation in place for the family?
How many years would we need the protection in place for?
Would we need replacement income to allow enough time to grieve before returning back to work?
Would we want a plan that covers a set period of time or a permanent plan that accumulates cash?
Who would be the beneficiaries on the policy?
Should we have a policy for the children for burial expenses?
How would we make it if we didn’t get life insurance?
If you have more specific questions, we are always willing to assist you. You can click here to submit your questions to a licensed life insurance agent.
We are HMA Advantage, and we believe in being there for people in their time of need. We accomplish this through insurance products that help us provide the financial protection our clients need and deserve.